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Initially the Norbertines were offered a land in Ayathil  in 1976 by Bishop Jerome which the fathers did not accept as the land was a highly marshy one. Now the fathers approached the successor of Bishop Jerome, Most Rev. Joseph G. Fernandez who took the charge of the diocese in 1978. As the fathers could not get any conducive place to establish the community, they approached the new bishop to request for the Ayathil land.Bishop Joseph was kind towards the fathers and renewed the promise made by his predecessor and wrote an official letter dated 07.10.1980 to Fr. Jose Pratap renewing the offer of Ayathil Land. It was 7.50 acres of land which was formally handed over to the Norbertine Fathers on 12th January 1983.


The land was a flooded marshy one. The community decided to fill the land with earth and do the coconut plantation. This place and parish (almost 30 families) were entrusted to the care of Fr.Mathew Olassayil. Fr. Mathew Olassayil made serious effort to make the land a proper one for cultivation and establishing a religious house.


The community thought of having a formation house (Aspirancy House) at Ayathil. The proposal was forwarded to Canonry Chapter of 1985. Initially though the proposal was not accepted as it was impossible for the Canonry to think of having formation house outside Jamtara. Finally it was accepted and permission was granted by the Prior and his council to go ahead with the project. The  project with plan and estimate was prepared and sent to Missilior and Aid to Church in Need. Fr. Lamers O.Praem was of great help in getting fund for  us. The Dutch donor agency AMA also helped us with some fund to fill the land with earth.






























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The then  Prior, Very Rev. Fr. Rajesh Kuruvila laid the foundation stone of Ayathil house on 13th August 1986 in the presence of Norbertine Fathers of Kollam Unit, parishioners of Ayathil, Eravipuram, Rev. Sisters of OLHC Convent Eravipuram and other invited guests. Fr. Pratap who was the then superior looked after the construction work. He came to Ayathil  along with Fr. Mathew Thankachan the newly ordained priest of the Canonry. On 30th September 1987 the Ayathil House was Blessed by Most Rev. Joseph G. Fernandez the then bishop of the diocese and it was inaugurated by the Sub- Prior of Jamtara Priory – Fr. Leo Sequeira on the feast day of Bishop Jerome who invited the Norbertines to his diocese.


In 1985 Kollam Fathers recruited the first Candidates for the Order to give initial formation here itself. But there was no formation house in Kerala they were sent to Jamtara and were brought back to Ayathil when the House was ready. On 10th December 1987 they were brought to Ayathil Formation House. Fr. Pratap was appointed as the first rector and Fr. Mathew Thankachan was appointed as the teaching staff.  The First batch of this house included Thomas Chandy, Sabu Thomas and two more. They were sent to Capuchin Ashram , Tillery for the PDC(Pre- Degree Course). 


Due to some problems created by Johny Tottam (an ex-priest of the Canonry) bishop  Stanley took back the 3.50 acres of Ayathil Land  with out our consent. Bp. Stanley then gave us 3.50 acres of land after much negotiation. The period between 1996  to 2004 was a dark period of Kerala community.  The whole formation programme in Ayathil was stopped. Therefore the community did not recruit any candidates during this period. This unpleasant event in the life of the community arrested the growth of the community in formation, finance and the life of the confreres. It made the community handicapped.


Again in 2004 after much prayer and deliberations the community resumed the formation programme in Ayathil.   



Every year there will be 14 – 20 candidates (Aspirants) under formation in this house. The candidates come from various dioceses from Kerala. They have their orientation programme during the first year where in they are taught English which will enable them to write and speak standard and refined English. Besides English, they have classes on Spirituality, Liturgy, Catechism, Hindi, General Knowledge, Life of Saints, Phonetics, Bible,  St. Norbert and Order. After completing one year they promoted  for higher Secondary Schooling (+1 and +2). They do it in the Kollam  diocesan seminary along with the diocesan seminarians. It is a great occasion for them to come in contact with other seminarians which will enable them to have mutual sharing and help. During the three years stay the candidates learn well about community life in the Norbertine Order. Once they complete their studies here they are promoted to Postulancy and send to Jamtara Abbey. This year there are 13 aspirants.


There area 3 priests, namely- Fr. Benny Jacob, Jaison John and Mathew Thankachan living in the formation house. Besides looking after the material, spiritual and intellectual needs of the brothers, the fathers are involved in the pastoral works in the diocese.




This being a formation house the canonical life of the confreres are kept up very well. The fathers follow the house time table with regards to common prayers, Holy Mass, common meal and common recreation. The life of the confreres are inspiration to those aspiring to be future Norbertines. There is lot of unity and togetherness among the confreres here.

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