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Along with the Pastoral ministries Our Community is involved in wide varieties of Social ministries through the E.C.D.C (Eravipuram Community Development Committee) for the betterment and upliftment of the poor and the deserving. The Committee offers the following Social welfare activities in and around our pastoral field.


  • Vocational Training Program

  • Care a family Program

  • Free note books and uniforms for the poor children

  • Medical assistance to the needful

  • Marriage Aids to deserving

  • Distribution of Provisions to the Widows

  • Educational aids for the higher studies

Vocational Training Program: it is offered to unemployed youth in our Parishes in equipping themselves for self-reliance. We financially aid the beneficiary for getting trained in courses like Nursing, Driving, Carpenting, I.T.I, stitching etc… 

Care A Family: it is a social welfare project in which our Community adopts a no. of poorest families from our parishes for an year or two to provide financial and material assistance. Each family under this project will enjoy a monthly pocket allowance of Rs. 1000 and some provisions for a month. At present ttt families have been adopted.

Marriage Aids to the deserving: under this project we invite applications from the daughters of the poor families who are not self-sufficient in giving their daughters in Marriage. We find the deserving 4-5 girls and assist them for meeting their marriage expenses. We also arrange group wedding program once in five years meeting the full marriage expense of the deserving.


© 2015 by St. Norbert Quasi Canonry of Quilon.

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