Ayathil P.O.,Kollam,Kerala-691017

The objectives of our formation program is to bring about harmonious growth of fraters into mature human and Christian person according to the gospel of Christ, the rule of St. Augustine, the constitutions of the order of Premontre and in service of the church and religious life.
All through out the year emphasis is given to the learning of the required languages. The candidates will also be taught spiritualiy, bible, catechism, reading and writing skills, computer and Music and be introduced to the liturgy and the Breviary. On the whole it is aimed at the human formation of the candidates. Our Aspirancy formation is in St. Norbert minor seminary, Ayathil, Kollam, Kerala.
After the completion of Aspirancy formation programme, the candidates are to make their Pre-novitiate programme for three months. During this period, the candidates are sent for various mission experience exposure programmes.
Novitiate(The canonical period)
The candidates are vested with the religious habit on their entry into the novitiate. Training is given for competence, fidelity and devotion in all the spiritual exercises, especially Eucharist and divine office. They are taught the constitution of the Order, Rule of St. Augustine and given a deeper experience in various spiritual exercices with a deeper love and commitment to the community life of our Order. The canonical year of Novitiate is in St. Norbert Novitiate house, Kallamkulam, Thrissur, Kerala.
During this period the juniors will follow the courses in philosophy and could also obtain a university degree on any subject. This is done either in Pune or Nagpur study houses of canonry of Jamtara.
The regents are placed in various Norbertine communities or institutions to gain skill, knowledge and community life experience. The selection of place for regency is kept according to the taste of the candidate and need of the canonry. Their fields of apostolate could be in schools, parishes, boarding, formation and social work.
The theology course, which covers four years prior to the ordination to the priesthood is done in St. Joseph pontifical seminary, Carmelgiri, Aluva. During this period, all those who are due for the solemn profession will have to apply to the Abbot and council for the same one year in advance. The candidates will have to undergo one–month preparation course prior to their final vows. All will complete their studies/ course in theology within the four years before the ordination.
Our fraters are under formation in
St. Norbert Ashram, Ayathil, Kollam, Kerala
St. Norbert Noviciate House, Thrissur, Kerala
St. Norbert Study House, Seminary Hill, Nagpur, Maharasrtra
Norbertine Study House, Wadgaonsheri, Pune, Maharashtra
St. Joseph Pontifical Seminary, Carmelgiri, Aluva, Kerala

Hearty Welcome...
Fr. Abel Walter O.Praem
The Vocation Promoter
Norbertine Fathers
Ayathil P.O., Kollam
ph. 0474-2725982
Mob. 7025388286